Virtual assistant for Enterprises — Why should you think about it ?


The happy workplace is always the home of the productive workplace, filled with a lot of talent around. Millennials being part of this productive workplace are transitioning from process-centric interface to consumer centric interfaces, basically the interfaces employees are familiar like messaging interfaces, touch interfaces, voice interfaces etc. In many organizations the new trend of “Elevated employee experience” is gaining traction, to attract greater talent within the millennial pool.

The 2018 Gartner Emerging Technologies Hype Cycle showed smart workplace, virtual assistants at the peak of expectations and the tech which will revolutionize the industry for the next 2–5 years. Also, Gartner highlighted a trend named “Democratized AI” that highlights AI as one of the most disruptive classes of technologies, which got a major impact with scale and its availability to the masses.

According to a Mckinsey report, about 10 hours per week on average, is spent by an employee for searching and gathering information. Today’s typical enterprise till has 100’s of internal apps and 10’s of huge enterprise systems, which are used by employees to communication and for productivity gains. Every enterprise of this nature really needs a transformation from “Maze” model to “Real time” models for the millennial workforce to be productive, which is powered by AI (NLP+ML) engines connected to all corporate systems.

Also in recent days, decision makers in the organization are looked up for making their teams smarter to handle the scale of operations and to provide consumer centric experience. They are looking to introduce smart technologies as a standard, allowing employees to access anything at anytime and on any device. With this, Virtual assistants/Intelligent Chatbots are becoming a crucial part of every process, that currently follows a decision tree format.

Employees around the globe are excited to interact with their new “virtual personal assistant” skilled with Artificial intelligence (AI) powered by conversation interfaces and natural language processing (NLP), where getting on-demand assistance to information, when and where they need it. Employees are turning up to a new personal assistant to get their queries answered. Yes, it’s their assistant who never calls in-sick, sleeps or goes on vacation.

Here are the top 7 ideas to introduce virtual assistant at your workplace.

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